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My Apology, My Thoughts

For a while now, I have been trying to do the grown up thing. Work the 9 to 5. Pay the bills on time. Plan a future and become what's expected....
As a result I became a bit disillusioned. I felt that dreams were just that, 'dreams' . I felt, for some reason, that l should lock away that part of myself that was not considered practical. The dreamer.
And I did.
...... It's been almost a year and I have felt the impact of that decision. The emptiness that is as a result of suffocating that part of myself that is most definitive. And to my dreams I apologize. To the dreamer I admit that I was wrong. To all the stories that have been swimming around in my head, and in my soul, in my heart... I beg your forgiveness for my arrogance and laziness. Know that I was the fool that lost out. I was the one that quit on you. And I humbly and piously present myself to you. I am the prodigal son that has returned to the welcoming arms of my black sheep reality. Filled with dreams, and Visions and worlds yet to be discovered. I have missed you my friends. Hopefully you have missed me too... And thus a new chapter begins.

My Stance...

I submit this to you. I am submitting to you. 

Completely and utterly, no barriers to break through. 

Give me your heart, let me see it bleed true. 

I submit this to you. I am submitting to you. 

- Y. Salmon


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