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Showing posts from March, 2016

#MyLifeAsAHuman #MyThoughtsMyWords Entry #668 Artist Unknown.

You see eyes flicker across your canvas... Describing wordlessly their bold intentions. Watching you touch and caress with each brush stroke.  Carefully constructing your dream into reality... Breathing life into what once stood perfectly still.  You inhale deeply with frustrated anticipation weaving in and out of your mind and your emotions... Your hands seem to bleed and blend into your canvas, forming the exquisite realm of your pain and joy.  You are anger and magical laughter. Pain and retribution.  You are swift accusations and compassionate love.  You are an artist restless and freedom bond. A creature of rebellion. A fighter against suppression.  You are an artist down to your very core.  Languid yet contorted all at the same time.  You are reality in a world that is all but a dreamlike haze.  Relax your tightly wound hands and rest your ever-speeding mind.  Let your arms transform into wing...