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Showing posts from September, 2016

Somedays - The 5 minute Moon Dance

I can see the moon this morning, greeting me with her seductive aura... Willing me back into bed.. . Tempting me to ignore my alarm clock. I can feel her caresses... Her soft gentle touch, making me twist and turn... I think she wants me to blush. I inhale her scent with reverence as I stare into her light and I am captivated, mezmerized, intoxicated. She touches my skin with her sultry armor and I am made to believe that we are invincible together. My eyes are now closed and she wills me to dance to the rhythmic beating of my restful heart. Sleep comes easy cacooned in her blanketed wonder... I am in bliss... My alarm clock sounds and I know that it is over... My dance with the moon and my 5 minute snooze feature. Y. Salmon